Eggplant, Gold, Brown…..Oh MY! Turning Fall Colors!

20 Oct


Giveaway: $200 Target Gift Card 


Oh Fall, you are finally here! How I've missed you so!  I look forward to you every year and you never fail me. You roll in with your beautiful foliage of autumn leaves turning muted hues of reds, browns, yellows, and greens. I welcome you with open arms because well you are my "love season"! I get a bit giddy each time I feel your cool crisp air brush against my cheeks. I love the smell of sandalwood floating through the air and the strong presence of oak trees standing bold and tall. Okay obviously my references are starting to suggest I might need to get a Man. Who says "strong preferences of oak trees standing bold and tall"?! It's official I need to be on M-A-N alert. Beep, beep, beep…that's the sound of my "lady" alarm going off.






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